Paul Mouzas


Daily Programmer #159 (Easy)

22 Apr 2014

The challenge is to implement a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.' It's just rock paper scissors with more options to reduce the chance of a tie.

Here is my solution:

import random

throws = dict(r=['sc','l'], p=['r','sp'], sc=['l','p'], l=['sp','p'], sp=['r','sc'])

def userWins(user, comp):
    ''' True if user wins games '''
    if comp in throws[user]:
        return True
    return False

while True:

    user_choice = raw_input("Choose (r)ock, (p)aper, (sc)issors, (l)izard, or (sp)ock. Press 'q' to quit: ")
    comp_choice = random.choice(['r','p','sc','l','sp'])
    if user_choice == 'q':
    print "You choose: %s" % user_choice
    print "Comp chooses: %s" % comp_choice
    if userWins(user_choice, comp_choice):
        print "You win!"
    elif user_choice==comp_choice:
        print "It's a tie."
    else: print "You lose :("
print "Thanks for playing!"

It's an easy challenge but it took me a few minutes to find a solution that wouldn't simply brute force it by going through every possible scenario.